2014 Meeting

Dear cousin,

Our october meeting is coming soon and you will find hereunder required application informations to attend this assembly.

For the first time this year, no regular mail invitation  will be send : so do not hesitate to print and forward this message around you in our family.

Week-end program

Friday evening October 17th - petit théâtre du presbytère (Etienville Manor)

Saturday October 18th

Sunday October, 19th

Guided car circuit: former Pierrepont Manors and castle in Cotentin area

Practical  :

Location : domaine historique d'Etienville (50360, France) near Picauville

Possibility to be hosted at the castle itself

Sunday car tour starts at 11:00 AM from Etienville. Prepare your pique-nique to share

Application form : 

(to print, and return to :

Institut de PIERREPONT, 11 rue henri Barbusse, 92000 Nanterre)





I will attend the meeting :

[   ]  adults (15 euros / pers)

[   ] kids (7 euros / pers)

to :

[   ] friday night conference

[   ] saturday noon lunch

[   ] Castle and garden visit on saturday afternoon

[   ] car tour on sunday

I join a payment of  ......... euros as a sum of these subscriptions. 


Thanks to forward this invitation in the family, in particular to our young and elder relatives

Payment cheques deadline : before october 1st

order to


l'Institut de Pierrepont

11, rue henri barbusse, 92000 Nanterre - France